A label is printed on a key component of each medical device. 이 태그는 작업이 제작 된 위치에 대한 기록을 제공하며 향후 작업을 추적 할 수 있습니다. 라벨에는 일반적으로 제조업체의 식별, 생산 부지 및 장비 자체가 포함됩니다. All medical device manufacturers are required to place permanent and traceable marks on their products for a number of reasons, including product liability and safety.

Fiber laser marking is an alternative to etching or engraving treatments, both of which alter the microstructure of the material and can lead to changes in strength and hardness. Because fiber laser marking is non-contact engraving and works quickly, parts do not have to undergo the stress and possible damage that other marking solutions can cause. 표면에서 "자라는"조밀 한 응집성 산화물 코팅; 녹을 필요가 없습니다.
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